4 Trading Packages

There are 4 trading packages / options tailored according to affordability and can be used for developing or adding to an individuals portfolio.

This makes provision for the first time investor as well as the seasoned investor. The terms are straight forward and fall within international market parameters. The various options are fair and returns on investment are always very achievable and not unrealistic

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package options


This offering is tailored for your first-time investor wanting to test the programe and the market. This package is ideal for someone looking to start a portfolio with in the parameters outlined below:

  • Term :18months
  • ROI :14% (over full term not per annum)
  • Admin Fee: 13% (pulled from capital)
  • Activation Fee 2.5% (pulled from capital)

Fee's are refunded through traded instruments at the end of the term and on maturity of offer. Clients will therefore NOT be penalised for participating with QTR model. No hidden costs. The fee' structure is within normal industry practice.


This is our most popular offering, targeted at the more informed investor with a slightly elevated risk appetite in the short to medium term space.

  • Term: 24 months
  • ROI : 24% (over total term not per annum)
  • Admin Fee: 13% (pulled from the capital)
  • Activation Fee: 2.5% (pulled from the capital)

Fee's are refunded through traded instruments at the end of the term and on maturity of offer. Clients will therefore NOT be penalised for participating with QTR model. No hidden costs. The fee' structure is within normal industry practice.


This offering is for the mature investor with a high risk appetite.

  • Term: 36 months
  • ROI: 28% over total term not per annum)
  • Admin Fee: 13% (pulled from capital)
  • Activation Fee: 2.5% (pulled from capital)

Fee's are refunded through traded instruments at the end of the term and on maturity of offer. Clients will therefore NOT be penalised for participating with QTR model. No hidden costs. The fee' structure is within normal industry practice.


As this is a personalized high end offer; (should clients want more information on the VIP offer) an appointment should be scheduled to discuss and our highly professional consultants or management will be happy to discuss with you.